3 Easy Steps to Invoke Command Line Password Manager:
Step 1 : Invoke the passwordmanager command line as shown below.
java -jar passworddragon.jar -cmd --------------------------------------- Password Manager V5.0 ---------------------------------------
Step 2 : Open the *.pwm file as shown below
pwm>open D:\passwordmanager\datafile\test.pwm ------------------------- Enter Password:* [Enter your password here] Confirm Password:* [Reenter your password again.] STATUS : File opened successfully. -------------------------
Step 3: Now you can run all the available commands.
Command: Help
This will display all the available commands
pwm>help ------------------------- Following commands are available : help open ls show fileinfo exit quit -------------------------
Command: open file_name
Open a *.pwm file. file_name – This should include the full path to the file name. Once the file_name is provided, this will ask for the Password.
pwm>open D:\test.pwm ------------------------- Enter Password :***** Confirm Password :***** STATUS : File opened successfully. -------------------------
Command: ls [-l] [account_name]
This will list all the records.
pwm>ls ------------------------- Id Account Name = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 0 Yahoo Email 1 Hotmail 2 Travelocity 3 E-Bay STATUS : 4 records displayed ------------------------- pwm>ls test ------------------------- Id Account Name = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 12 Intranet Testing website 15 Production Testing website 20 Development Testing website STATUS : 4 records displayed ------------------------- pwm>ls -l ------------------------- Id Account Name UserId Password = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 0 Yahoo Email ramix_info testpwd 1 Hotmail ramesh mypwd 2 Travelocity ramix_info secretpwd 3 E-Bay ramesh buyingpwd STATUS : 4 records displayed ------------------------------- pwm>ls -l test ------------------------- Id Account Name UserId Password = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 12 Intranet Testing website intra_user intrapwd 15 Production Testing website prod_user prodpwd 20 Development Testing website dev_user devpwd STATUS : 3 records displayed -------------------------
Command: show [-v] id
This will display the details about a particular record.
- -v : Will display all the attributes of the records.
- id : This id can be obtained from the output of the ls command.
pwm>show 10 ------------------------- Account Name : Yahoo Email User Id : ramix_info Password : ****** URL : http://mail.yahoo.com Category : Personal ------------------------- pwm>show -v 10 ------------------------- Account Name : Yahoo Email User Id : ramix_info Password : ****** URL : http://mail.yahoo.com Category : Personal Notes : This account is used for yahoo email. Attribute 1 : Q:What is my pet name? Attribute 2 : A:whocares Attribute 3 : Attribute 4 : Attribute 5 : Attribute 6 : Attribute 7 : Attribute 8 : Attribute 9 : Attribute 10 : Created On : 21-Sep-2004 08:01:06 PDT Updated On : 30-Sep-2004 08:29:06 PDT -------------------------
Command: fileinfo
This will display the name of the current open file.
pwm>fileinfo ------------------------- STATUS : Current Open File : D:\test.pwm -------------------------
Command: quit
Exit the command line password manager shell.
pwm>quit ------------------------- STATUS : Exiting Password Manager.. -------------------------